This was a busy sharing weekend as Mommy and Daddy decided to share the good news about Jellybean with their close friends and family. It started at a Halloween party with many of Mommy and Daddy's close college friends in attendance. Originally Mommy and Daddy were just planning on doing a Facebook blast at 12 weeks to let everyone know but the more Mommy thought about it the more she felt that it was impersonal and unfair to their close friends who played such a significant part in their engagement and marriage and decided it was better to share the news in person. Mommy ironically dressed up as a pregnant Catholic school girl =P.
Here is Jellybean and Gus with Aunt Stacey, Aunt Stephanie, and Aunt Emily. Jellybean Im sure you'll be seeing a lot of these three your whole life.
Mommy, Daddy, and Jellybean! Notice the bowl of chips Mommy is hoarding in her lap ;)

Mommy also told her own Mommy (Grandma) on Sunday in a bizarre non-planned manner. Daddy couldn't make it dinner that night so it was just Mommy and Grandma. Dinner plans were made at a local Chinese restaurant that they often ate at. Dinner wasn't very good as the restaurant seemed to be out of everything that Mommy loved to eat so Grandma finally ordered this rice dish that was very tasty. While Mommy was eating Grandma mentioned this dish had fish in it, specifically "swordfish". This made Mommy freak out as swordfish is high on the list of do not eat fish due to high mercury content. After some back and forth where Mommy said she couldn't eat swordfish because she was pregnant it was discovered that Grandma's poor pronunciation of salt fish sounded a heck of a lot like swordfish. In the end even though this wasn't how Mommy wanted to tell Grandma of her first grandchild it actually turned out to be a nice evening as Mommy shared with Grandma about the stresses that occurred this past month as well as her previous miscarriage which Grandma did not know about. Grandma is still relatively nervous about Jellybean and while is excited is showing considerable reserve as well. I think everyone will breathe a bit easier at 12 weeks.
Mommy is officially nine weeks this week. At Grandma's house Mommy the scale read 95lbs so Mommy has officially gained 7lbs already in these 9 weeks of pregnancy. Grandma didn't seem more excited as when she that 95 flash on the scale.
And here are some belly shots from today at 9 weeks1 day.

And while this picture is fuzzy can you see what I see at the bottom of the picture? He seems to think Gus is a chew toy Mommy is keeping from him.

Here is Jellybean and Gus with Aunt Stacey, Aunt Stephanie, and Aunt Emily. Jellybean Im sure you'll be seeing a lot of these three your whole life.

Mommy also told her own Mommy (Grandma) on Sunday in a bizarre non-planned manner. Daddy couldn't make it dinner that night so it was just Mommy and Grandma. Dinner plans were made at a local Chinese restaurant that they often ate at. Dinner wasn't very good as the restaurant seemed to be out of everything that Mommy loved to eat so Grandma finally ordered this rice dish that was very tasty. While Mommy was eating Grandma mentioned this dish had fish in it, specifically "swordfish". This made Mommy freak out as swordfish is high on the list of do not eat fish due to high mercury content. After some back and forth where Mommy said she couldn't eat swordfish because she was pregnant it was discovered that Grandma's poor pronunciation of salt fish sounded a heck of a lot like swordfish. In the end even though this wasn't how Mommy wanted to tell Grandma of her first grandchild it actually turned out to be a nice evening as Mommy shared with Grandma about the stresses that occurred this past month as well as her previous miscarriage which Grandma did not know about. Grandma is still relatively nervous about Jellybean and while is excited is showing considerable reserve as well. I think everyone will breathe a bit easier at 12 weeks.
Mommy is officially nine weeks this week. At Grandma's house Mommy the scale read 95lbs so Mommy has officially gained 7lbs already in these 9 weeks of pregnancy. Grandma didn't seem more excited as when she that 95 flash on the scale.
And here are some belly shots from today at 9 weeks1 day.
And while this picture is fuzzy can you see what I see at the bottom of the picture? He seems to think Gus is a chew toy Mommy is keeping from him.
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