We made it to the second trimester!! Mommy is so happy!!!! After a long month long wait, in which Mommy pondered several times about making up an excuse to go back to the Dr sooner to get everything checked on, Mommy and Daddy finally went back to the Dr's office this past Friday. Though a month might not seem long normally in baby world it can be excruciating as you can't see or feel baby and thus you just need to trust that everything is going as it should. Mommy had to fully rely on her faith in God and was not disappointed at all. At the Dr's office Mommy and Daddy got to see Jellybean again and wow has he grown in a month. The Dr said he was measuring slightly larger (yay!) and moved Mommy's due date up to June 5th from June 10th. Mommy was expecting to be 11 weeks 4 days at the appointment and instead was told she was 11 weeks 6 days so Mommy is now officially 12 weeks and into her 2nd trimester yay!!! Jellybean was laying on his side and not on his back so when the ultrasound turned on he was looking right at us. The Dr moved the probe around a few times and pushed down trying to get Jellybean to turn over (its easier to measure them when they are on their backs) but alas Jellybean stayed put. Mommy and Daddy got to hear Jellybean's heartbeat again and wow was it strong and loud. Mommy now knows that despite her reliance on her home doppler set during this past month the noises she was listening to were certainly not Jellybean's heartbeat as the sound at the Dr's office was loud and clear like a horse clop while the doppler noise is more like air whooshing around. Still a good strong heartbeat of 160 and higher was recorded and thats all that matters.
Here is Jellybean at 11 weeks 6 days! At the dr's office we got to see his arms move a little.

Mommy and Daddy were a bit overwhelmed once they got to Babies R Us. Babies need A LOT of stuff or so it seems at least. Surprisingly after we got our little checklist book not one employee tried to come help the 2 bewildered 1st time parents as they navigated through a sea of breast pumps, car seats, and cribs. Mommy had some ideas of items she wanted after reading some product reviews, speaking to other moms online, and info given to her from the Dr.
Here are some highlights from the trip
Mommy and Daddy have decided they want a travel system since it comes with both the infant car seat as well as a stroller that can covert from infant hood to toddler hood. No one was around to help Mommy and Daddy so the trial and error period took a bit longer then it probably should have (infant things have a definite learning curve to them) but they were able to successful assemble and disassemble the multiple parts of the Graco travel system. Daddy was very proud of himself once it was all done. Mommy and Daddy like this pattern called Catalina but believe it is being discontinued so Mommy has found a back up pattern at Target they liked called Townsend.
Infant carrier
After strollers it was on to baby swings
As soon as Mommy saw this one it was almost a done deal. Is it not perfect????
Daddy thought this one was a bit better price wise though so we shall see I guess
Jumperoos! Mommy and Daddy couldn't decide
Pack and Play. Mommy and Daddy later found one at Target online they liked more
This was Mommy's way of letting Daddy know a glider is a must!
After Babies R Us Daddy said he spent too much time in a girly environment all day and needed to be in a more man sensitive place. Where did we go?
Home Depot
Gus with Daddy's purchases
After coming home Mommy started to do some research on products and items they saw during the day. While Mommy does think you need to make a trip to your local baby store to try out big items like the stroller other things Mommy feels need more research and time before settling on one specific item. Mommy and Daddy are planning on going back to babies R US in a few weeks to try to car test the travel system simply because they didn't get to last time with no employee help.
Hey Jasmine!! I popped by to find out what was new on the Jellybean front after I saw your facebook ultrasound! I just love the stroller/carseat colours NiCE!! Good to hear all is well and baby is growing!
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