My little baby is going to be 3 months old soon! Its all happening so fast. Drakey got his 2nd round of shots this week which wasnt as successful as the first as he cried a lot more this time. After 2 weeks Drakey weighed in at 9 lbs 15 ozs so he gained 4 more ozs in the time between shots. Mommy is going back to work in September and Drakey is coming with so Mommy bought herself a Beco in anticipation of that. The last few days Drakey went through a growth spurt that threw mommy and daddy off a ton. He started to wake up every 3 hours again at night to eat meaning Mommy was exhausted causing a decrease in pumped milk. Now that the spurt has ended Drakey is back to sleeping 5-6 hours a night whew. Drakey has a few playdates this month before Mommy goes abck to work and he just finished his 4 week Baby and Me class.
On to the pictures!
Tough guy (I think he looks like on of those greasers from the 50's with the upturned color)
Love the pictures =)