Mommy, Daddy, Jellybean, and Gus had a wonderful New Year's filled with activity but Mommy is still trying to get all the pictures in so she will save that post for another day. In the meantime Mommy decided to start one of the many Jellybean projects she had lined up for herself.
Mommy found this project ( She also has a monkey template on her site if you are interested.) from Martha Stewart's website. Martha is not the creator of the project rather a lady named Nicky Batill who sells her items both on Etsy and her site WeeSF. Like all her projects it seems Mommy had to tweek hers a little to make it work. Though Mommy is happy with the finished project she did make some errors which were not necessary and she learned that when Martha lists all her equipment some of it is indeed necessary to make the project come off more polished looking. Still overall Mommy thinks it was a cute project and a great addition to Jellybean's nursery.
Let's hope Mommy's other projects (which are a lot harder she thinks) come out as well.
Here is the original compared to Mommy's tweeked version. Mommy still has to find a frame for hers.

Let's hope Mommy's other projects (which are a lot harder she thinks) come out as well.
Here is the original compared to Mommy's tweeked version. Mommy still has to find a frame for hers.

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