Thursday, January 14, 2010


Well tomorrow is Jellybean's anatomy scan also known to most mothers as the BIG Ultrasound as its usually around 18-20 weeks and most of the time gender can be determined at this time. Mommy and Daddy are not planning on finding out the gender (unless Jellybean gives them no choice) but they are excited to see how much Jellybean has grown and developed. Mommy will be 19 weeks at this appointment and has had this scheduled for over a month but for the past few weeks has begun to get nervous at the thought of this appointment. Afterall this appointment is checking Jellybean's anatomy and making sure everything is in the proper place and developed as it should be. For all the other appointments and scans since the beginning Mommy was more focused and worried about whether Jellybean was still even in there. After the first month or so every appointment to see Jellybean made her feel better so this is the first time Mommy had to think about the fact that Jellybean might be there but is everything else there too?

For the past few weeks Mommy has also been wondering whether she has been feeling Jellybean move finally. Movement, or quickening, usually starts to happen anywhere from around 16 weeks and up. Second time moms often feel the movement sooner, probably because they know what to look for. Everyone on Mommy's forums describe movement to feel like tiny flutters to a soft touch moving back and forth. The first time Mommy thought she felt something was at Mommy's friend's shower. At that time Mommy was 16 weeks. Last week Mommy was using her doppler and poking around a bit harder then normal and she thought she felt something again. This week Mommy woke up from a unrestful nap and was laying on her back when she thought she felt tiny thump thump thumps. Since then now and then it feels like tiny quivers now and then. Mommy wants to believe all of these are Jellybean's way for saying hello but its still hard to be certain. Mommy is waiting for kicks that she can see to be sure at this point.

Mommy has also gained close to 20lbs at this time (1lb a week if you look at it) Though she knows that this is normal and suppose to happen and if it is happening its probably for Jellybean's benefit she still can't help but have conflicting feelings everytime she walks by a mirror. Mommy made the mistake of looking at some pregnancy calculators recently and while Mommy is still under the weight she should be gaining in total for the moment she does weigh more then the calculators say she should at this current time. One of the things Mommy noticed is that she tends to eat more now at random times when she isn't necessarily hungry but rather bored. Add this to a non-exsistent excerise regime and probably this has caused some extra lbs to jump on. Now that Mommy is more concious of this snacking issue she seems to be able to curb it better by doing other activities to prevent boredom. She also is planning on starting pre-natal yoga within the next month as well as doing some simple stretches daily. Hopefully this will help Mommy gain the appropriate weight necessary for Jellybean while not allowing bad habits to latch on for good.

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