Monday, October 19, 2009

Belly Notes

I am offically 7 weeks today! I can't believe I made it this far. During my last pregnancy that ended in miscarriage I never made it past 5 weeks so this is a big milestone for me. This morning I have to say though is not one of my best. While I think pregnancy itself is a beautiful, wonderous, time it isn't always pretty from day to day. I have been feeling queasy and naeusosus for much of the morning and it only stopped after some wonderfuuly greasy but delcious McDonalds breakfast. To top that off I am very bloated with gas as usual and I do think that in a few weeks fitting into my jeans might become an issue. I plan on going to Target sometime this week and looking for some workout pants that have some stretch to them. Still all of these feelings, however unpleasant at times, give me reassurance that something is still working away inside me. Since I am not pregnant enough to feel the baby or far along enough for a home fetal doppler to pick up heartbeats these unpleasant body feelings are the only thing I have to rely on when wondering if Jellybean is still with me. I compare it to a factory. Real factories omit harmful pollutants and waste which can be seen and smelled and in many ways this is the case with my Jellybean factory. All of these "pollutants" show me that the factory is still ticking away inside. In other news I have stopped bleeding all together. Since Friday night after my ultrasound there has been no more red blood. I still spot here and there but even that has seemed to die down a lot. Most of the time now when I wipe after going to the bathroom there is nothing. While one would think this would be reassuring news for some reason my convulated brain is somehow worried that the lack of blood signifies something to worry about. Luckily the rest of the pollutants seem to be going at their normal pace leaving me a little reassurance. I am seeing the Dr at the end of this week so I will tell her about the bleeding stopping and see what she says.

A side note Mommy thought was funny too was that many people say pregnancy is an emotional time and often many pregnant woman are reduced to tears at mere sight of a cute animal. Mommy on the other hand seems to be taking emotions to a different level. While she can definitely see a change in her mood in certain situations its not tears that usually come out rather then screams! Instead of being overall sad and emotional Mommy seems to be at the other extreme where every little thing can maker her angry and pissed off. Daddy is not loving this part of pregnancy for sure!

Lastly this weekend Jellybean attended his second wedding, Dave & Jamie's. Sadly Mommy and Daddy forgot to take a picture before going (running late) and after coming home (tired) so we have no photo with Gus this time. Despite the weather though it was a lovely wedding and Mommy and Daddy's first champagne brunch wedding. Mommy enjoyed the waffles and strawberry offerings and did not partake in the champagne aspect of the party but good food and conversation was had. Congrats to Dave and Jamie again and have a great time in Aruba!

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