Friday, May 21, 2010

Full Term

Well we hit 37 weeks, Jellybean is officially considered full term and ready for the world even if Mommy and Daddy aren't quite ready for it just yet. Mommy went to the Dr today and got her 1st cervix check. She is 50% effaced and 1/2 cm dilated. Yesterday Mommy, Daddy, and her dolua went on the maternity ward tour. Mommy has been slowly packing the hospital bag and doing the last bit of laundry necessary before Jellybean's arrival. With all of that the nursery is still a bit messy. Daddy ahs been busy a lot this month with one of his side jobs so none of the art Mommy made for Jellybean has been hung up. Also Mommy still has some random Jellybean items laying around the nursery floor. Mommy hasnt had a huge urge to nest (ie clean up those random objects) so she is hoping that means Jellybean won't be coming out anytime soon despite the effacement and how low his/her head is and not that Mommy and Daddy's house is such a wreck that it overrides even basic instincts. Mommy has been getting Braxton Hicks contractions she thinks for a few weeks now. Come to think of it she thinks they have been coming for some time now but she only started to notice them recently as they have become kind of crampy like menstrual period cramps. Obviously they are doing something since Mommy is already 50% effaced. Mommy and Daddy really want Jellybean to hang in there for to at least June if not a little longer. Ideally Mommy would like Jellybean to be born at or after his/her due date but if thats not possible then anytime after the 7th of June would be best. Mommy's last day of work is May 27th and Daddy's last track meet is June 5th so they are both hoping to complete what they need to do before Jellybean's big day. Mommy isn't sure if she will make it till then but she is really really hoping. That could be the first favor Jellybeans does for Mommy and Daddy if he/she would comply. We would lend you the car once if you did this for us ;)

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