Jellybean is 33 weeks and 5 days old today. Mommy cant beleive how little time there is left until Jellybean is already here! Jellybean had a growth scan at 32 weeks and was recorder to be around 4 lbs 14 ozes! At this rate Jellybean is going to outweigh Mommy at birth (5 lbs 8 ozes) The Dr said Jellybean was measuring a little less then a week ahead and is in the 76th percentile for weight.
The weeks have been ticking by and even though Mommy is excited to meet Jellybean the selfish side of her isnt ready just yet. Mommy still has things she wants to accomplish before Jellybean comes and she worries she wont get to do them all before Jellybean comes and then who knows when she will have time again to do them. Mommy hopes Jellybean stays put till at least 37 weeks (full term) but ideal even longer then that. Mommy has been busy trying to get her own things as well as Jellybean's things done in the meantime which is why she hasnt blogged in a bit so here are some updates on whats been going on.
First of Mommy and Jellybean's shower was on April 11th. Daddy's sister, Aunt Kim, hosted the shower and did a wonderful job. Mommy is waiting on the pictures from a friend who was the designated photographer but here are a few shots Daddy took while he was helping set up before all the guests arrived.

Jellybean got so many things from all the wonderful friends and family they attended as well as the ones who couldn't.
Mommy tried to take a picture of most of the stuff but it wasnt easy
Where's Gus?!?!?
Here he is!

The kitties were quite excited about testing out all of Jellybean's new things
Griffin apparently thinks he is the baby
And Dexter thinks he is the diaper bag

Mommy and Daddy also started to organize the nursery. Mommy and Daddy still need to move the little bookshelf down and order the glider and a bench and put curtains up but here is the nursery for now

Mommy has also been busy crocheting and here are some of her completed projects. Some of these guys went to live with other friends

While others remained behind waiting for Jellybean. They will eventually move to the window sill.

This little one went to Aunt Kim as part of her thank you gift for hosting Mommy and Jellybean's shower

This is for a swap Mommy joined. She hopes to make a gray/white version of this for Jellybean as a tribute to Griffin and Hunter
Mommy was trying to make a place for Gus to stay in the nursery but the balloon was too small so Mommy is going to work on a bigger one next. In the meantime another giraffe friend found a high flying place to hang out

Lastly a picture of Mommy at around 31 weeks out with Aunt Stephanie, Aunt Tammy, Aunt Sharon, and Aunt Desiree.

The weeks have been ticking by and even though Mommy is excited to meet Jellybean the selfish side of her isnt ready just yet. Mommy still has things she wants to accomplish before Jellybean comes and she worries she wont get to do them all before Jellybean comes and then who knows when she will have time again to do them. Mommy hopes Jellybean stays put till at least 37 weeks (full term) but ideal even longer then that. Mommy has been busy trying to get her own things as well as Jellybean's things done in the meantime which is why she hasnt blogged in a bit so here are some updates on whats been going on.
First of Mommy and Jellybean's shower was on April 11th. Daddy's sister, Aunt Kim, hosted the shower and did a wonderful job. Mommy is waiting on the pictures from a friend who was the designated photographer but here are a few shots Daddy took while he was helping set up before all the guests arrived.
Jellybean got so many things from all the wonderful friends and family they attended as well as the ones who couldn't.
Mommy tried to take a picture of most of the stuff but it wasnt easy
Where's Gus?!?!?
The kitties were quite excited about testing out all of Jellybean's new things
Mommy and Daddy also started to organize the nursery. Mommy and Daddy still need to move the little bookshelf down and order the glider and a bench and put curtains up but here is the nursery for now
While others remained behind waiting for Jellybean. They will eventually move to the window sill.
This little one went to Aunt Kim as part of her thank you gift for hosting Mommy and Jellybean's shower
This is for a swap Mommy joined. She hopes to make a gray/white version of this for Jellybean as a tribute to Griffin and Hunter
Lastly a picture of Mommy at around 31 weeks out with Aunt Stephanie, Aunt Tammy, Aunt Sharon, and Aunt Desiree.
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