Mommy has been spending her free time recently scouring the Internet learning all about the latest and greatest innovations in the land of baby. Mommy has learned two things 1) there are a million gazillion gatrillion things out their for babies and 2) the items you pick for your child are a reflection on not only your own tastes but how you want/hope to parent.
So this week Mommy has been preoccupied with doing research on cloth diapering.

Cloth diapering is something Mommy learned about when she joined her Mommy forums almost a year ago. Mommy likes the idea that cloth is more environmentally friendly as she hopes that there will still be a green flourishing Earth left for her babies to grow up in as well as the fact that they are a lot cuter then regular disposable diapers. Mommy has been researching cloth diapers on and off since before Jellybean's conception but admits she is still very much clueless about the entire thing. Part of the reason is that there are just so many different types of cloth diapers, prefolds, AIO (all in ones), AI2 (all in twos), covers, pockets, etc. Then there is the issue of inserts, some have them some don't, as well as the different types of inserts available. Also there is a myriad of different brands and its hard to know which will work best with your child depending on size, comfort, leakage, etc. All of this info overload thoroughly intimidated Mommy despite all the articles and pictures she examined. Today though Mommy got the answers she was looking for. She was able to find not one, not two, but three local stores (within a 45 minute range) who not only sell cloth diapers but also have house demonstrations and consultations to help choose the best cloth diaper to fit in with your lifestyle. Mommy has emailed all three stores and hopes that she can set up a consultation soon so that she can finally understand the mystery that is cloth diapers. She will be sure to take pictures (and Gus) with her when she embarks on these educational trips.
Mommy also found this wonderful site, Jillian's Drawers, if you happen to be interested in cloth diapering but can not seem to find a local store to assist. They have a wonderful program were they will send you 21 different types of cloth diapers for $150. You have 21 days to try out the diapers, wear, wash, etc. and then if you send all 21 back by 21 days they will refund you $140 costing you $10 for the entire trial. Also if you like any of the diapers you can keep them and they will simply deduct the costs from the return. Mommy was thinking about this program before she found her local stores and might still try it once Jellybean arrives to see if he has a preference for one brand over another.
So because she was researching cloth diapers Mommy has also started to look into changing her detergent brand. She found this wonderful site talking about the best detergents to use for cloth diapers. Many people argue that cloth diapers aren't as environmentally sound as they seem because of the added use of electricity/water as well as the increase in harmful pollutants in water from the detergents. This site has allowed Mommy to see which detergents have more of the harmful chemicals placed in water and feels that its time to change her detergent use to not only benefit the cloth diapers but also the environment and the clothing of the entire home.
Another product Mommy has been looking into is a new product in the land of baby diapers called Gdiapers.

Gdiapers is suppose to be the best of both worlds when it comes to diapering. Gdiapers have a standard cloth like diaper that is reusable and then have a insert that is changeable like a disposable diaper but is flushable and therefore completely degradable. Mommy is curious about this item as it seems to really have the best of everything without the added laundry of cloth diapering as well as the harmful disposable aspect of disposable diapers. Mommy also thinks that even if she does cloth diapers this might be a good alternative to use when traveling or visiting others vs keeping a soiled diaper with her the entire time. Also if Jellybean ever has to go to daycare or a babysitter it might be easier to transition someone into using these kinds of diapers rather then completely cloth as dirty diapers are not fun to keep around.
Mommy has also been thinking about toys for Jellybean.

Since the outcry of BPA and plastic as a whole Mommy has realized that while she can not keep Jellybean away from plastic his entire life she can provide alternatives to plastic in the form of wooden and cloth toys. Mommy has found some charming sites that carry such items and is happy that there are plastic alternatives that are not only good for baby but also are environmentally sound as well.
Lastly Mommy has been on the hunt for kimono style short sleeve onesies (because Jellybean is a summer baby) for Jellybean.
Mommy admits that the idea of putting clothes on Jellybean is one of the things she fears the most as she is concerned about his head and neck while she does this. Also Mommy always wondered why most baby clothes requires you to pull the clothing over the babies head rather then slip on like a jacket. It seems to Mommy that it would be easier for a new parent and the baby for the clothing to go through the arms of the baby rather then over their head. Mommy hasn't has much luck finding short sleeve kimono onesies but she still has time. Anyone know of any good sites?
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