So right after the holidays Mommy went a bit crazy and bought Jellybean a lot of new things. Most of it was small stuff, bibs, hats, a few onesies, etc. since not knowing the sex does make it harder since gender neutral simply doesn't seem to exist anymore. As much as Mommy wants to cave in sometimes and find out the sex she still thinks the big payoff will come when she hears 'It's a...!" Also it might just be the incentive she needs to push Jellybean out. Daddy can just whisper "We can go shopping after this"and maybe that will do the trick (wishful thinking). So today Mommy decided to organize some of Jellybean's things and so she thought perfect opportunity to share Jellybean's stash so far.
So here are Jellybean's 3 month shirts. Besides the pack of Gerber side snap (love love love!) onesies everything here is sized for 3 months. Mommy never buys newborn ,even though she has a feeling Jellybean will be small, because she worries it'll be a waste as newborn only goes up to around 7lbs. Also Mommy figures if its too big Jellybean can always grow into it right and get a few more wears in.
Here are a few more 3 month shirts The one in the middle Mommy thought would look cute on either a boy or a girl because of the shape and color only to have the saleswoman look disgusted when Mommy asked if it was gender neutral. Apparently even though the shirt is blue with a small whale on it, which is usually a boy thing, it can only be worn on a girl. Well at least if Jellybean is a girl she has one special girly outfit.
Here is Jellybean's 6 month shirts
And here is Jellybean's winter outfit. It has ears and feet!!!
So Mommy has a thing for outfits with feet and ears and loves little cute hats and bibs. All of the items shown next were purchased these last few days.
The reindeer one was only $1.50 at target and most of the others only cost a few dollars as well. Mommy got the tiger one because Jellybean will be born in the year of the Tiger!
The bear one was only $2! Mommy hopes to add more to Jellybean's collection before the winter is over.
The puppy hat came from The Children's Place and there was also a bear and bunny hat. They had matching sweaters but as much as Mommy tried she just couldn't see a little girl wearing the bear sweater even though it was suppose to be more gender neutral. What do you think? (the bunny sweater was pink so definitely not gender neutral so it didn't make it into the picture)
Mommy scored big on her last trip to Babies R Us. She noticed that Carter's had a line called Tall tales that seemed to be being discontinued so all of the items were reduced drastically. While Mommy didn't love the way the set looked in general she did find 2 items from the set that she liked a lot. One is a giraffe mobile! How perfect. The other was a giraffe lamp. Mommy was hesitant at first about the lamp simply because the shade was a bit ugly (as was the color of the entire set in general which might be why it was being discontinued) but then she realized that the shade came off the lamp so that could be easily remedied with another shade. Score!
Mommy got this a while ago but here is Jellybean with his own seahorse toy.
Lastly here is Gus with his brethren. The tall giraffe in the middle is Gus's mommy Stella (they came in a set together)