Sunday, March 14, 2010

Baby Updates

Just some recent randoms

-Mommy had her glucose screening test on Friday. She hopes she passed. She had a sugary drink earlier in the day because she forgot about the test so she hopes it doesnt affect the results. She got to see Jellybean again at the Dr's office and he/she is already in the head down position. Mommy has a growth scan scheduled in 5 weeks. Can't wait!

-Mommy has developed acid reflux because of Jellybean. No fun at all

-Also Mommy has been having sharp pains under her right breast. She thought it was her bra at first but the pain occurs even whenever she is in her PJs which makes her think maybe everything is just getting pushed up and smooshed in there. She wishes it would stop as it will be a long 12 weeks if this is an everyday thing

-Mommy has been having a hard time with jackets recently. Now that the weather is warmer Mommy doesnt want to wear a winter coat anymore but its still too cold to do without one but all Mommy's spring coats are too small and cant zipper in the front. Mommy decided to buy this coat from Gap Maternity this weekend. She cant wait for it come in.

-Mommy's mommy bought Jellybean's crib and mattress this weekend. Its Graco's Victoria and Mommy loves it. Cant wait to see it in person

-Mommy's mommy also bought a few Baby Einstein things for Jellybean since Baby Einstein is a Disney product and she gets a discount working for ABC. Mommy and grandma picked out these 2 DVDS and books to start with

Mommy enters her 3rd trimester Monday. My how times flies! Jellybean will be here in 12 weeks!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Wedding & Surprises

On Friday night Mommy, Daddy, Jellybean, & Gus attended a friend's wedding. It was a fun night as Daddy's parents and siblings were all invited/in the wedding.

The bride and groom had a photobooth area so of course everyone had some fun with that

Mommy, Daddy, Gus, and Jellybean

Mommy, Daddy, Jellybean, Aunt Kim, Uncle Ben, Uncle Rob, & Aunt Ashley

Daddy and Gus
Uncle Ben, Aunt Kim, Mommy & Daddy

Daddy and his sister, Aunt Kim

Mommy's favorite photo of the night

Mommy and Daddy forgot to take a full length picture until they got home

And this is what Mommy looks like in a maternity dress 26 weeks and 4 days

On Sunday Mommy went to visit a friend she met through crocheting. Her friend has 2 adorable children and is overly generous. She sent Mommy home with a ton of things including the Sophie the giraffe teether, a diaper bag full of things, and a Medela hand pump.

Inside the bag had all of these things including some cloth diaper things, pacifiers, a natural spray she made for keeping babies clean after diaper changes, booties she crocheted, breast shields, and lotion.

Here is a close up of the cloth diapers

Lastly she also gave Mommy a changing pad which Hunter the cat took as a new bed for himself

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Mommy's best friend gave birth to her first son on Saturday March 6, 2010. Dean Alexander arrived at 7 PM weighing in at 6 lbs 4.5 ounces. Congrats again to the happy family! Mommy, Jellybean, and Gus can't wait to meet baby Dean!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cord Blood Question

Mommy has a question for the other Mommies out there. For a while now Mommy has been debating about what to do with Jellybean's cord blood. The options would be 1) nothing 2) banking the cord blood 3) donating the cord blood and 4) letting the cord pulse out giving it all to Jellybean. Mommy ruled out option one as she thinks thats a big waste. Daddy has strong feelings against option four after talking to the Dr who said there is no medical evidence to prove this does anything beneficial for the baby. So Mommy and Daddy narrowed it down to options two or three, banking or donating. Banking is a big topic these days due to the banking companies touting the life saving miracles cord blood banking can provide but comes with the hefty price tag. Mommy has read lots of information talking about cord blood banking being a scam and how they only keep the blood for so long, it can only be used for a limited number of diseases, if you really need something hospitals will provide it from free banks, etc. On one hand Mommy realizes that Mommy and Daddy are genetically very distant from one another so in that sense it probably increases the odds that Jellybean and siblings won't inherit any genetic disease. Also Mommy's side of the family is rather healthy only having a maternal aunt with breast cancer who survived. Other deaths in the family on Mommy's side are more related to cancers that sprung up due to smoking and the same goes for Daddy's side of the family. So as a whole it seems both Mommy and Daddy come from healthier stock. Mommy's one question though is the fact that Jellybean and siblings will be mix babies will this make it harder or easier for them to find matches if they do get sick? Mommy knows that minorities always have a harder time finding genetic matches but what about mixes? Also will banking be beneficial for Mommy and her Mommy as being minorities the genetic pool is smaller so maybe it would be better to have this insurance policy of Jellybean's cord blood? Mommy isn't sure. Mommy decided to also go ahead and look into donating as an option. She contacted the local collection bank only to hear from them they are no longer taking donations for the year! What? I thought that marrow, blood, etc was always needed and thats why they have drives asking people to come out to donate so why would they turn away a donation? That doesnt make any sense at all. So what did all of you do with your babies' cord blood?

Jellybean at 19 weeks

OK so first of this is late coming but this is Jellybean's anatomy scan at 19 weeks (so amost 7 weeks ago in January) Mommy isnt a huge fan of the 3D pics since they look kinda scary sometimes but the Dr told Mommy and Daddy when she was taking this shot that Jellybean was snuggled up to his/her placenta. Thats the thing to jellybean's right. Mommy had read that babies sometimes snuggle their placenta for comfort in the womb and to see that image made Mommy's heart melt. Mommy's mommy (Jellybean's grandma) likened the idea to a stuffed animal. If thats the case then jellybean is taking after Mommy indeed as Mommy had over 100 stuffed animals growing up and still has quite a few laying around the house now. So this has bcome Mommy's favorite picture of Jellybean to date because of the imagery. Does anyone else think Jellybean looks a little like an elf with those ears? Daddy says you probably cant tell where the ears start and end correctly and thats why it looks like that but Mommy thinks Daddy is just worried that Jellybean has inherited his big ears.

Mommy ordered some Thirstie diaper covers for Jellybean yesterday after Mommy's friend told her about a place that had them for sale with a discount and free shipping. Mommy ordered 5 of them. Cant wait to see them when they come in!